Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Oodles of Doodles!.....

Hello :0)

I'd thought i would post these pictures I've done recently on here as I have a great response from a group I'm in on Facebook called Art journaling for women, I was truly overwhelmed at the  response I had to one of my pages. I've discovered a name for doodling - Zentangle - I'm not too sure how i came across it but when i saw this i thought wow, i've gotta have a go at this,( i had already was doing it without even realizing it!). So i bought a book called Totally Tangled by Sandy Steen Bartholomew, i know at the time i felt a bit stale with my doodling and needed some inspirational ideas and this book has really helped me. Anyhoow here is what i came up with....
This is the first one I did, i got the idea of the pattern from the book  i've mentioned it was nice and easy  to start with....

this is the 3rd one i've made, this is for Gareth as he is going to his first TT on the  Isle of Man this year (motorbike racing)

this is my second one i did. I posted this on the art for journaling  page for women on Facebook, I couldn't believe the response i had, especially as i wasn't too sure if i liked it in the end...but in the end i did :0)

Well that's it for now, hope you have liked what you have seen, thank you for looking :0)
take care


  1. Hi! I found your blog on Art Journaling for Women and stopped to say Hello. I am addicted to Zentangle, having discovered it on the web. You might want to take a look at It is a great reference for over 100 tangle patterns. That is my go-to site for different patterns. Have fun with the "tangling".
    P.S. You should try white ink on black paper, awesome!! Oh, and by the way, the rest of your art is superb!

    1. Helloo, thanks for stopping the black paper with white sounds goood, i shall give that a whirl Elx

  2. Hello lovely lady...LOVE,LOVE, LOVE ♥♥♥ your pages you clever girl..Be in touch soon. Love S xxx
